In a previous topic , we were discussing how war and batteling were not Muhammad's innovation , But an older way which was used by prophets before prophet Muhammad's time like Jesus and moses peacs be upon them all .

And today , i have chosen to my post the title of (From darkness to light .. the path to rightness) which is describing exactly the way Arabs - the folk that Muhammad was born amongst- were before the time of Muhammad and his divine message ...

A total darkness with a great conflict between two Ancient nations at the time , namely The Persian nation and the Roman nation.And before discribing that in details , we have to mention exactly why we are bothering to explain and discuss that matter at this point .
and this will be illustrated throught a small example ..

We'll asume that i am to buy a deserted mansion which is completely ruined and wrecked ,But after a continous and exhausting work in it all by my self , it is turned into a fine piece of art .After that i invited you to my mansion , will you appreciate my exerted efforts ??of course you won't , this won't happen unless you get to know how damaged it was when i first bought it , and also get to know that i have done that all alone with no help from no one whatsoever ...

For all those reasons , i thought that before mentioning prophet Muhammad's efforts and struggle that made this religion which mainly started with only the efforts of one man to be the fastest religion to spread all over the world , i thought i should mention the habits and manners or the state of the arab community before prophet Muhammad's call .
And i will mention some of them as an example :

1) ( Female infanticide ) which means that men considered giving birth to a female baby as a disgrace that should be hidden , and so a man would burry his female baby alive so as to hide his disgrace in dust.But that was until Muhammad's call which completely prohibited such behavior .And This is mentioned in the Holy Quraan as Almighty God says :
{ Wa-itha almawoodatu su-ilat }{ Bi-ayyi thanbin qutilat }--- 8. And when the female-infant buried alive is questioned about 9. `For what crime was she killed ?' AL-TAKWEER---

2) man killing his own kids fearing poverty or famine ..Also that was completely diminished when the call of light got spread by prophet Muhammad .And this is also mentioned in the holy Quraan as God says :
{ Wala taqtuloo awladakum khashyata imlaqin nahnu narzuquhum wa-iyyakum inna qatlahum kana khit-an kabeeran }
---and that you slay not your children for fear of poverty - it is WE who provide for you and for them "---
and "we" here is spoken by Almighty God .

3) The presence of known places to practice Adultery , these places where known by the presence of red flags on the roof of the place so that prostitution is practiced for money..
But this also was only present until Islam spread , which stated that this practice is completely prohibited in Islam .and this is mentioned also in the Holy Quraan as God says :
{ Alzzaniyatu waalzzanee faijlidoo kulla wahidin minhuma mi-ata jaldatin wala ta-khudthukum bihima ra-fatun fee deeni Allahi... }
---The adulteress and the adulterer - flog each one of them with a hundred stripes. And let not pity for the twain take hold of you in executing the judgment of ALLAH,---

4) The spread of many mounting raids and wars of plunder and looting , where the strong would attack the weak with no mercy .They had many great wars that are memoriable and famous as they lasted for many long years and were named in history books by : " The days of Arabs "Where " A day" for them at that time meant a raid . But that Also stopped when the call of Allah to prophit Muhammad came to light , As it prohibited robbing in this way , and setted rules , reasons and conditions which regulate such raids .

* And from the reasons that were set for such raids by islam :
a) To Stop aggression aginst one's self and for self - defense .
b) To secure the call of Muhammad to God only and to give the apportunity to those who wanted to convert to Islam but couldn't due to their weakness .
c) To claim the usurped rights .
d) To Support right and justice .

* As for some of the conditions and rules set for such raids :
a) Nobility and clarity in means and objectives .

b) To Only fight with militants and not to practice aggression on civilians .

c) If the enemy inclines to peace , then that should be it , And there should be no hostility except against wrongdoers .

d) To maintain the good treatment of prisoners .

e) To Preserve the environment as trees , animals and water...etcf) Preserving the religious freedom of the monks and nuns who lives in monasteries and not to subject them to any harm .

5) Also one of the the most important bad habits that were practiced by arabs was Worshiping idols which are solid Statues made by humans themselves , They made those statues as an equal to God , offering it food , Prostrating ( sujud ) to them and requesting goodness and seeking refuge in them , they even would ask them to grant them sons .This Also was changed completely when prophet Muhammad recieved God's call to Worship Allah and no body but him .
This is illustrated in Quraan as God says :
{ Qul taAAalaw atlu ma harrama rabbukum AAalaykum alla tushrikoo bihi shay-an ... }
----Say, `I will recite to you what your Lord has forbidden, that you associate not anything as partner with HIM;----

These were some of Arab's bad habits and manners before the call of Muhammad and his rise among them .such manners assure how awfull were arabs before Islam , and how the darkness of ignorance was nesting their minds .
The question now is :

How could a single man attracts the attention of this kind of Mentality all by himself ???
Has he faced difficulties ??
or was the way paved for him ??
Many questions that we will try to find for it a satisfying answer.. if we're still alive and god wills it ..

Finally ,
{ Rabbana la tuzigh quloobana baAAda ith hadaytana wahab lana min ladunka rahmatan innaka anta alwahhabu }
----`Our Lord, let not our hearts become perverse after Thou hast guided us, and bestow on us mercy from Thyself; surely Thou art the Great Bestower;----

After my first post ARE YOU A TERRORIST ??
i had only one comment from an AMERICAN who gave me a very respectable point of view which encouraged me to write my second post ..

I decided to change my way as although i had a good number from western visitors but none of them gave me any comment .

So , I'll begin to define " ISLAM " for everyone who needs to know and also , I'll be explaining how ISLAM is not a religion of hostility

Also , i want to thank everyone who gave me his comment , encouragement and help .,, especially the AMERICAN visitor who said that Many people in the past have used religion as an excuse for war. Today it is Islam's turn to be highlighted as it was for the Nazi's in the 20th century. History is a cycle of heroes and villains. One day it will be someone Else's turn .

Islam !!!!!!

it's not a new religion , but the same message that God wanted to Convey to all people alike ,

Islam is both a religion a complete way of life , Muslims follow this religion of peace, mercy, and forgiveness .
The Arabic word 'Islam' simply means ' submission to only Allah ' , and is derived from an Arabic word that means 'peace' .
In the religious context it means the complete submission to the will of God .
" Muhammadanism " is thus a misnomer because it suggests that Muslims worship Muhammad (peace be upon him) rather than God .
'Allah' is the Arabic name for God , which is used by Arab Muslims .

Islam is not Just for Arabs but Arabic is the language of Quraan .
The Truth of Islam is meant for all people regardless of race , nationality or linguistic background .
Taking a look at the Islamic World , from Nigeria to Bosnia and from Malaysia to Afghanistan is enough to prove that Islam is a Universal message for all of mankind , not to mention the fact that significant numbers of Europeans and Americans of all races and ethnic backgrounds are coming into Islam frequently .

Islam is a strictly monotheistic religion , and its adherents , called Muslims , regard the Prophet Muhammad as the last and most perfect of God's messengers , who include Adam , Abraham , Moses , Jesus ..

The sacred scripture of Islam is the Quraan , it contains God's revelations to Muhammad ,The sayings and deeds of the Prophet recounted in the sunna an important source of belief and practice in Islam.

The religious obligations of all Muslims are summed up in the Five Pillars of Islam , which include belief in God and his Prophet and obligations of prayer, charity, pilgrimage, and fasting .

Observant Muslims pray five times a day and join in community worship on Fridays at the mosque worship is led by an imam
and The month of Ramadan is set for fasting

The core of Islam is " QURAAN ", it is the final revelation by the transcendent GOD to MUHAMMAD , the Prophet of Islam ; since the Divine Word was revealed in Arabic , this language is used in Islamic religious practice worldwide .
Muslims believe in final reward and punishment, and the unity of the umma , the “nation” of Islam .

Islam views the Message of Muhammad as the continuation and the fulfillment of a lineage of Prophecy that includes figures from the Hebrew Scriptures and the New Testament, notably Adam , Noah , Abraham , Moses , David , and Jesus .
Islamic law reserves a communal entity status for the ahl al-kitab - People of the Book - , i.e., those with revealed religions , including Jews and Christians .
Islam also recognizes a number of extra-biblical prophets, such as HUD, SALIH , SHuaiB, and others of more obscure origin . The chief angels are Gabriel and Michael ; devils are the evil jinn .

The Quraan exhibits a firmly actionalist system of ethics based on individual responsibility in the realization of the optimal social, economic, and political structure of the umma , the universal community of believers .

Mutual consultation for the ideal political system , just and fair business practices in the economic system , and financial and moral responsibility to one's extended family members in the social system are to be supplemented by various safety nets for the more vulnerable segments of societydowry due the bride). Though no self-denial is advocated, the individual is urged to exercise restraint over his and her natural appetites and to show forgivness) in all dealings with one's fellow human beings. Pride and greed are especially condemned, as they lead to injustice to others and hence to oneself ultimately leading to the path of self-destruction. There is no concept of sinful nature, but recurrent sin leads to the hardening of the soul and the eventual silencing of one's conscience. The partial rewards and opportunities provided in this life are considered to be just as much a test to the individual as the difficulties and hardships, and one is exhorted to exercise sabr (steadfastness) in the face of life's challenges.


Our Lord, let not our hearts become perverse after Thou hast guided us, and bestow on us mercy from Thyself; surely Thou art the Great Bestower .

Are you a terrorist??

By chance , I was talking to an American person and our conversation goes on till he knew that I m MUSLIM , Suddenly he changed the way he talks and asked me ," are you a TERRORIST ?"

i did my best to keep him online with me and i concluded that he is repeating some phrases and words as TERRORIST, BACKWARD ,THIRD WORLD ,WOMEN PERSECUTION, and he believed in all that through media and press which he blind trusted ...

SO , they always take a final decision and a prejudgment that we are accused all the time , with bad manners and there is no chance to defend ..
BUT i believe that being a Muslim I'm in the straight path and i must defend what i believe in to improve my point of view ..

NOW lets discuss the first indictment ......

Prophet MOHAMED is a terrorist who spread religion of ISLAM by slaying the innocents , transgression and ordering his companions to spread fighting and hostility ?????????


IS the fighting delivered by MUHAMMAD and his companions or is it an old matter that was started years before him?????

its an unquestionable matter that battling is a very old matter that occurred by previous nations and not innovated by prophet MUHAMMAD

MY proof to that is :
human lived on earth were fighting as a result of social relationship by reasons of desire of power, intolerance and competition , all that before God's REVEALED BOOKS

After prophets were sent , the means of fighting took another ways and motives to publish peace , faith and facing evils and disbelievers so that it would allow people to worship ALLAH ( god Almighty ) only .

God's REVEALED BOOKS as Torah , Gospel and Quraan , all referred to fighting disbelievers and encouraged the companions " of prophet Muhammad " to fight only to spread the way of ALLAH

At Torah , we find a phrase like ," God brings his swords from sheath and never back it again "

At Gospel , as MESSIAH "JESUS , son of MARRY who are granted nearness to GOD " said his famous phrase ," IF SOMEONE spank you ON YOUR RIGHT cheek TURN TO HIM UR LEFT one"

He also said " Don't think i came to make a peace on earth but SWORD i came to make , the son in disagreement with parents , daughter with her mother , so the enemy of the person will be his own relatives "
that's the words of JESUS .

and our prophet MUHAMMAD said the same meaning " GOD sent me down by SWORD till the day of judgment to make all the people worship only ALLAH "

SO , they all have the same aim and the same manner " to worship only ALLAH " and that's what JESUS and MUHAMMAD meant , the disagreement and sword only to spread the FAITH and there's many other examples from Torah and Gospels containing the hostility and fighting but for the worship of Allah ..

Quraan and Sunna - the words of prophet Muhammad - contains the same words with the same aim

SO , MUHAMMAD completes the same thread of prophets before his time ........

FINALLY , i THINK We've ANSWERED this inquiry briefly ,
And next time if GOD allowed us to be living , we will define the meaning of ISLAM and why it allowed fighting ?

also , whats the meaning of battling "In the name of Allah" ?

Is there any transgressions in ISLAM at the time of wars , or it is confined by rules ?

If there are rules , what are they ?

Our Lord , let not our hearts become perverse after Thou hast guided us , and bestow on us mercy from Thyself , surely Thou art the Great Bestower

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