After my first post ARE YOU A TERRORIST ??
i had only one comment from an AMERICAN who gave me a very respectable point of view which encouraged me to write my second post ..

I decided to change my way as although i had a good number from western visitors but none of them gave me any comment .

So , I'll begin to define " ISLAM " for everyone who needs to know and also , I'll be explaining how ISLAM is not a religion of hostility

Also , i want to thank everyone who gave me his comment , encouragement and help .,, especially the AMERICAN visitor who said that Many people in the past have used religion as an excuse for war. Today it is Islam's turn to be highlighted as it was for the Nazi's in the 20th century. History is a cycle of heroes and villains. One day it will be someone Else's turn .

Islam !!!!!!

it's not a new religion , but the same message that God wanted to Convey to all people alike ,

Islam is both a religion a complete way of life , Muslims follow this religion of peace, mercy, and forgiveness .
The Arabic word 'Islam' simply means ' submission to only Allah ' , and is derived from an Arabic word that means 'peace' .
In the religious context it means the complete submission to the will of God .
" Muhammadanism " is thus a misnomer because it suggests that Muslims worship Muhammad (peace be upon him) rather than God .
'Allah' is the Arabic name for God , which is used by Arab Muslims .

Islam is not Just for Arabs but Arabic is the language of Quraan .
The Truth of Islam is meant for all people regardless of race , nationality or linguistic background .
Taking a look at the Islamic World , from Nigeria to Bosnia and from Malaysia to Afghanistan is enough to prove that Islam is a Universal message for all of mankind , not to mention the fact that significant numbers of Europeans and Americans of all races and ethnic backgrounds are coming into Islam frequently .

Islam is a strictly monotheistic religion , and its adherents , called Muslims , regard the Prophet Muhammad as the last and most perfect of God's messengers , who include Adam , Abraham , Moses , Jesus ..

The sacred scripture of Islam is the Quraan , it contains God's revelations to Muhammad ,The sayings and deeds of the Prophet recounted in the sunna an important source of belief and practice in Islam.

The religious obligations of all Muslims are summed up in the Five Pillars of Islam , which include belief in God and his Prophet and obligations of prayer, charity, pilgrimage, and fasting .

Observant Muslims pray five times a day and join in community worship on Fridays at the mosque worship is led by an imam
and The month of Ramadan is set for fasting

The core of Islam is " QURAAN ", it is the final revelation by the transcendent GOD to MUHAMMAD , the Prophet of Islam ; since the Divine Word was revealed in Arabic , this language is used in Islamic religious practice worldwide .
Muslims believe in final reward and punishment, and the unity of the umma , the “nation” of Islam .

Islam views the Message of Muhammad as the continuation and the fulfillment of a lineage of Prophecy that includes figures from the Hebrew Scriptures and the New Testament, notably Adam , Noah , Abraham , Moses , David , and Jesus .
Islamic law reserves a communal entity status for the ahl al-kitab - People of the Book - , i.e., those with revealed religions , including Jews and Christians .
Islam also recognizes a number of extra-biblical prophets, such as HUD, SALIH , SHuaiB, and others of more obscure origin . The chief angels are Gabriel and Michael ; devils are the evil jinn .

The Quraan exhibits a firmly actionalist system of ethics based on individual responsibility in the realization of the optimal social, economic, and political structure of the umma , the universal community of believers .

Mutual consultation for the ideal political system , just and fair business practices in the economic system , and financial and moral responsibility to one's extended family members in the social system are to be supplemented by various safety nets for the more vulnerable segments of societydowry due the bride). Though no self-denial is advocated, the individual is urged to exercise restraint over his and her natural appetites and to show forgivness) in all dealings with one's fellow human beings. Pride and greed are especially condemned, as they lead to injustice to others and hence to oneself ultimately leading to the path of self-destruction. There is no concept of sinful nature, but recurrent sin leads to the hardening of the soul and the eventual silencing of one's conscience. The partial rewards and opportunities provided in this life are considered to be just as much a test to the individual as the difficulties and hardships, and one is exhorted to exercise sabr (steadfastness) in the face of life's challenges.


Our Lord, let not our hearts become perverse after Thou hast guided us, and bestow on us mercy from Thyself; surely Thou art the Great Bestower .

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